- Vet oplossingen
- Olie oplossingen
- Accessoires en losse onderdelen
- Compleet olie kabinet
- Complete installatie voor montage op een tank
- Complete mobiele sets
- Drukvaten voor olie te pompen op locatie
- Dubbelwerkende pneumatische oliepompen
- Electronisch management
- Handbediende oliepompen
- Industriële pneumatische oliepompen
- Lekbakken
- Luchtgedreven oliepompen
- Olie dispensers
- Pneumatische oliepompen
- Slang haspels
- Slangen
- Slangen voor slanghaspel en rubberen stop
- Vaste installaties
- Vulpistolen en digitale meters
- Membraampompen
- Olie opvang units
- Brandstof
- Remontluchters
- Slang haspels
- Banden pompen
- Druk vaten
- Aanbiedingen
023-1910-000 - Tank of dump and stocking for 2 vaten of 180-220 l 023-1910-000 - Tank of dump and stocking for 2 vaten of 180-220 l
This steel tank is suitable for the storage of metal drums of lubricants and simply transportable with fork truck or trans pallet. The tank is produced with strong metal. reinforced with frames in shapes. the...
023-1914-000 - Tank of dump and stocking for 4 vaten of 180-220 l 023-1914-000 - Tank of dump and stocking for 4 vaten of 180-220 l
This steel tank is suitable for the storage of metal drums of lubricants and simply transportable with fork truck or trans pallet. The tank is produced with strong metal. reinforced with frames in shapes. the...
023-1930-000 - Tank of dump complete with supporting structure for 2 positions 023-1930-000 - Tank of dump complete with supporting structure for 2 positions
This steel tank is suitable for the storage of metal drums of lubricants and simply transportable with fork truck or trans pallet. The tank is produced with strong metal. reinforced with frames in shapes. the...
023-1925-000 - Tank of dump complete with supporting structure for 1 position 023-1925-000 - Tank of dump complete with supporting structure for 1 position
This steel tank is suitable for the storage of metal drums of lubricants and simply transportable with fork truck or trans pallet. The tank is produced with strong metal. reinforced with frames in shapes. the...
023-1915-000 - Tank of dump and stocking for 1 tank of 1000 l 023-1915-000 - Tank of dump and stocking for 1 tank of 1000 l
This steel tank is suitable for the storage of metal drums of lubricants and simply transportable with fork truck or trans pallet. The tank is produced with strong metal. reinforced with frames in shapes. the...
023-1905-000 - Tank of dump and stocking for 1 barrel of 180-220 l 023-1905-000 - Tank of dump and stocking for 1 barrel of 180-220 l
This steel tank is suitable for the storage of metal drums of lubricants and simply transportable with fork truck or trans pallet. The tank is produced with strong metal. reinforced with frames in shapes. the...