- Vet oplossingen
- Olie oplossingen
- Accessoires en losse onderdelen
- Compleet olie kabinet
- Complete installatie voor montage op een tank
- Complete mobiele sets
- Drukvaten voor olie te pompen op locatie
- Dubbelwerkende pneumatische oliepompen
- Electronisch management
- Handbediende oliepompen
- Industriële pneumatische oliepompen
- Lekbakken
- Luchtgedreven oliepompen
- Olie dispensers
- Pneumatische oliepompen
- Slang haspels
- Slangen
- Slangen voor slanghaspel en rubberen stop
- Vaste installaties
- Vulpistolen en digitale meters
- Membraampompen
- Olie opvang units
- Brandstof
- Remontluchters
- Slang haspels
- Banden pompen
- Druk vaten
- Aanbiedingen
093-5224-506 - Swivel connector M 3/4 - F1 093-5224-506 - Swivel connector M 3/4 - F1
Manual dispensing nozzlewith a device that shuts off the flow automatically when the tank is full. Pratical and economical. it is equipped with plastic handle for proper gripping gasoline version available.
094-5248-000 - water separating transparent delivery filter for diesel fuel 105 l/min 094-5248-000 - water separating transparent delivery filter for diesel fuel 105 l/min
The filter removes both water and particles out of diesel to a micron rating of 5 - 220 kg vaten
094-5245-000 - water separating delivery filter for diesel fuel 100 l/min 094-5245-000 - water separating delivery filter for diesel fuel 100 l/min
The filter removes both water and particles out of diesel to a micron rating of 5 - 220 kg vaten
094-5240-000 - water separating delivery filter for diesel fuel 60l/min 094-5240-000 - water separating delivery filter for diesel fuel 60l/min
The filter removes both water and particles out of diesel to a micron rating of 5 - 220 kg vaten
093-5224-606 - Swivel connector M1 - F1 093-5224-606 - Swivel connector M1 - F1
Manual dispensing nozzlewith a device that shuts off the flow automatically when the tank is full. Pratical and economical. it is equipped with plastic handle for proper gripping gasoline version available.
093-5220-000 - Automatic nozzle "PA120" for diesel fuel transfer 093-5220-000 - Automatic nozzle "PA120" for diesel fuel transfer
Manual dispensing nozzlewith a device that shuts off the flow automatically when the tank is full. Pratical and economical. it is equipped with plastic handle for proper gripping gasoline version available.
093-5215-000 - Automatic nozzle "PA90" for diesel fuel transfer 093-5215-000 - Automatic nozzle "PA90" for diesel fuel transfer
Manual dispensing nozzlewith a device that shuts off the flow automatically when the tank is full. Pratical and economical. it is equipped with plastic handle for proper gripping gasoline version available.
093-5210-000 - Automatic nozzle "PA60" for diesel fuel transfer 093-5210-000 - Automatic nozzle "PA60" for diesel fuel transfer
Manual dispensing nozzle with a device that shuts off the flow automatically when the tank is full. Pratical and economical. it is equipped with plastic handle for proper gripping gasoline version available."
092-5140-000 - Digital flow meter MGE-250 min-max flow rate 10-250 l/min 092-5140-000 - Digital flow meter MGE-250 min-max flow rate 10-250 l/min
Turbine flow meter that features high precision performance for the measurement of non-commercial use diesel.
092-5130-000 - Digital flow meter MGE-110 min-max flow rate 5-110 l/min 092-5130-000 - Digital flow meter MGE-110 min-max flow rate 5-110 l/min
Turbine flow meter that features high precision performance for the measurement of non-commercial use diesel.
092-5120-000 - Digital turbine flow meter IN-LINE min-max flow rate 10-150 l/min 092-5120-000 - Digital turbine flow meter IN-LINE min-max flow rate 10-150 l/min
Turbine flow meter that features high precision performance for the measurement of non-commercial use diesel.
092-5104-000 - Mechanical volumetric flow meter 4C min-max flow rate 20-120 l/min 092-5104-000 - Mechanical volumetric flow meter 4C min-max flow rate 20-120 l/min
Swinging plate mechanical volumetric flow meter able to provide high degree
092-5103-000 - Mechanical volumetric flow meter 3C min-max flow rate 20-120 l/min 092-5103-000 - Mechanical volumetric flow meter 3C min-max flow rate 20-120 l/min
Swinging plate mechanical volumetric flow meter able to provide high degree